Other CPG Highlights

Insights & Ideas

Exchanging Ideas

During the past year, we continued our Insights & Ideas series of conversations with a focus on shareholder engagement. In Washington, DC, Seattle, and online, we hosted expert panel discussions and shared insights from leaders in the field of socially responsible investing. Learn more and view presentations at www.cpg.org/Insights&Ideas.

The Right Prescription

The Episcopal Church Medical Trust partnered with SaveonSP to help lower the cost of certain specialty pharmacy medications. These actions are projected to save the Medical Trust some $1.4 million on specialty drug costs in 2020.

Just in Case

Disability insurance is a cornerstone of personal financial security. As of January 1, 2020, Zurich American Life Insurance Company (Zurich) became the new vendor for our disability program. We chose Zurich for its improved financial terms, more flexible plan options, and a dedicated call center to answer client questions.

Online Ease

We introduced new web self-service capabilities to MyCPG Accounts. People can now update their personal information on their own, quickly, conveniently, and safely; run retirement estimates; and view their annual statements online. 

¡Cuba Sí!

In 2018, the 79th General Convention voted to readmit the Episcopal Church of Cuba as a diocese of The Episcopal Church. A special CPG team worked to integrate eligible clergy into our International Clergy Pension Plan. On February 19, 2019, Cuba was officially readmitted. We are now in the process of educating the diocese’s leadership on CPG’s benefits programs and services.  

News for Book Lovers

Church Publishing continued to find new ways to reach customers. Rapidly adding new titles to its catalog of books published in Spanish, it also released its first audiobook, Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time, narrated by authors Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe.
